What We Believe

We believe in one God-the Father, Son & Holy Spirit; Three persons who are One in essential nature, which is holy love.


We believe that the Old & New Testament scriptures is the Story of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, accurately revealing who God is, and how we can live into God's unfolding story. 


We believe that human beings who are created to be loving and holy, like God, have fallen from that ideal likeness, are deeply wounded and unable without God's help to discover and live loving and holy lives.


We believe that Jesus of Nazareth, being fully God and fully man, reaches into human history and our own personal stories to renew in us the likeness of God in loving and holy (right) relationships.


We believe that Jesus's life, death and resurrection when responded to in faith and commitment, make us fully alive (new birth), in restored relation with God as children, forgiven and with power to live into God's love and holiness.


We believe that Jesus's life, death and resurrection is formed in us by the gift of God's Holy Spirit so that we increasingly become like God in love and in right relationships and enables our wounded and broken hearts to be healed so that we love God first and our neighbors as God does.


We believe that Jesus's life, death and resurrection is the hope of God in the renewal of the earth, spiritually, socially, environmentally and relationally; Being lived now by the Church of Jesus as a living sign until God's renewal comes fully when Jesus returns to the earth.


We believe that our communal and individuals lives matter to God who will raise to life all who are in Christ and have died. That together with all humanity we will come to a final accounting of our lives, individually and communally, so that everyone who lives their life into Jesus will be remade in His image.